竹夢開始.蔡司優視力旗艦店 x 光明分子竹北高鐵門市
全亞洲最大,全台第一家ZEISS VISION CENTER正式在竹北夢想啟程~
The biggest and the first ZEISS VISION CENTER in Zuibai, Taiwan, is a collaboration between BRIGHTEYES and ZEISS Optical. We utilize ZEISS’s cutting-edge technical instruments and implement them through the expertise of the professional BRIGHTEYES team. We are ready to create a better vision and a better life for you.

光明分子成立了20多個年頭,首次與德國蔡司攜手合作,共創亞洲最大ZEISS VISION CENTER。超過10個月、300天的籌畫,過程中與德國蔡司ZEISS針對每一個細節不斷的溝通與調整,對於細節的呈現與創意發想,光明分子與蔡司追求極致不曾妥協。
This is the first time BRIGHTEYES has collaborated with ZEISS, creating the largest ZEISS VISION CENTER in Asia. The unstoppable progress in the field of optometry is mirrored in both ZEISS and BRIGHTEYES.
We have planned for over 300 days. In these days, we innovated and discussed. This is not just an eyewear shop but also a story of light and time.


Lenses may seem like a simple and clear product, but ZEISS always seeks breakthroughs. Adapting to lifestyle changes, ZEISS continually enhance their products to meet consumer needs.

A good product must be accompanied by professional optometric technology. The optometrists at BRIGHTEYES have all undergone training at the ZEISS headquarters in Germany. They can provide the most professional services and act as your vision managers, ensuring you enjoy the best vision journey.

〔Customer Center ZEISS Vision Care in Oberkochen〕

非常榮幸的由蔡司總裁首席執行官Sven Hermann & 全球品牌總監Philipp Novak為我們回顧蔡司這百年間的故事以及品牌創立的初心,傳遞最真摯的蔡司精神。
接著,由蔡司品牌體驗經理Christoph Wenzel為我們說明如何打造一場舒適的蔡司優視力配鏡體驗,並我們與彼此分享交流平時遇到的回饋,共同探討如何提供更全面的服務。
We listened to the story and the intentions of ZEISS, and we both share the same goal: providing better vision and satisfying consumers’ needs.
Also, having eyewear should be a pleasant journey, and this experience should not start at the moment you step into the store; it should begin when you realize you need a pair of glasses. In the Zeiss Vision Experience, Zeiss and Brighteyes act like guides, leading you to enjoy a pleasant vision journey.

〔Zeiss Technology & Innovation in Aalen〕

A good lens doesn’t come easily; it undergoes numerous tests and must pass each one before it can enter the market. This is what the Zeiss Technology and Innovation department does.
In this journey, we deeply understand the product from the team at Zeiss Technology and Innovation department, allowing us to provide more information for our customers and offer a better vision care plan.

〔ZEISS Vision Center in Stuttgart〕

與彼此交流與見習,進行細節上的調整與修正,希望讓每一位來到光明分子ZEISS VISION CENTER的朋友們,不只是使用到蔡司的商品,更能夠體驗蔡司精神以及專業舒適的配鏡服務。
Visiting Zeiss Vision Center in Stuttgart, meeting our vision care partner, communicating with each other to find a better way for customers to enjoy the vision care journey.
The shop is in the shape of a footprint, decorated with some green plants, and sunlight shines into the store, providing a clear, bright, and comfortable environment.

It was an amazing journey visiting ZEISS. ZEISS is not just an optical brand; it’s also a spirit of life. Zeiss is around our life, starting with our vision. Creating a better vision and a brighter life.
【光明分子竹北高鐵門市 x 蔡司優視力旗艦店】
全台首間德國獨家授權的蔡司優視力旗艦店,德國蔡司攜手光明分子團隊,在台灣創立全亞洲最大,品項最齊全、擁有最快上市速度、原廠專屬服務的ZEISS VISION CENTER提供第一手的產品資訊,以及獨家商品。跨越時空、距離,零時差的將德國蔡司精神帶給所有民眾,將最棒的眼視光配鏡服務體驗帶給台灣朋友們~
The ZEISS VISION CENTER in Zuibai has the latest information about new products and offers exclusive items to enhance your vision.

Are you ready for the ZEISS journey in BRIGHTEYES?