見證時間與光影的故事.蔡司優視力旗艦店 x 光明分子竹北高鐵門市
The concept of this building revolves around the ideas of the “River of Time” and the “Flow of Light.”

一踏進門市,記得稍稍抬頭往上看,你會看到一條曲型的燈管,一路沿著地板的道路軌跡走,帶著你走覽一樓門市。在這條道路上,你會看到一顆圓圓的大眼睛在天花板俯視著,下方擺放著一台ZEISS VISUFIT 1000 180°環繞式定位儀,站在此區就好像即將要穿梭到另一個科技世界的感覺。
There is a long light bar along the ceiling, and the light follows a path around the store. In the center of the first floor, you can see the newest ZEISS VISUFIT 1000. It seems like you are traveling in a next-technology world while standing in this area.

Follow the path and the light; as you walk through, you can see a big curved display wall. There are many kinds of eyewear on it, and the thriving eyewear colors the white display wall.

Next, when you reach the shop window, you can see the space rushing upward to the second-floor ceiling. The high ceiling from the first floor to the second floor creates a spectacular atmosphere.


When we go upstairs, at the staircase, you can see artificial plants covering the wall from the first floor to the third floor. It makes people feel natural and at peace in this shop.
And also, there can be seen several handmade bulbs hanging down from the third floor.


沒錯!梅葉冬青後方刻有年輪紋理的牆面上記錄著光明分子的歷史,上面說著光明分子創立迄今,在視光的領域、在這塊土地上譜出的篇章。不停追求進步的精神,讓我們從原本一間小小門市,慢慢地在台灣擁有多個門市。而竹北高鐵店是光明分子的第七間門市,也是全台首間與國際百年光學品牌-蔡司攜手合作共創的ZEISS VISION CENTER。
At the second floor, there is a history wall telling the story of BRIGHTEYES. We have worked tirelessly in the optometry field for over twenty years. During these years, we have met great partners like ZEISS to create better vision for the people in Taiwan.


Follow the light to the third floor, where you will find the one and only ZEISS museum in Taiwan. The walls record ZEISS’ achievements over 170 years and showcase their contributions to the world. The accomplishments are just standing in front of you.

牆面上記錄著ZEISS 177年間在這一塊土地上創下的每一項成就,而展示櫃中擺放著世界各地蒐集而來的古董光學儀器、設備,從蔡司的單筒顯微鏡、雙筒顯微鏡到蔡司的軍用望遠鏡、民用望遠鏡,還有初始簡易型綜合驗光儀到多功能綜合驗光儀等等,都可以在這裡看到。
We have collected several antiques, such as the ZEISS microscope, the ZEISS telescope, and a phoropter from the 1950s.

This is not just a collection of antiques; it’s also a film of history. We can see the progress of optometry and the breakthroughs in each evolution.
蔡司在這170多年的研究與發展,深深地扎根在我們的土地上,為人類的生活貢獻著自己的力量,推動著人們的生活往更美好前進。這份努力與貢獻伴隨著歷史,順著光流牽起的時間之河向下流去,攜手光明分子最終把最新的科技與技術帶進了〔蔡司優視力旗艦店 x 光明分子竹北高鐵門市〕,也是前人的努力才能造就你我現在眼前呈現的高科技驗光體驗。
The achievements of ZEISS over 170 years bring a better life to people worldwide, and these accomplishments flow through the river of time, descending the stairs to collaborate with BRIGHTEYES. Together, we bring the newest technology into the ZEISS VISION CENTER by BRIGHTEYES in Taiwan.
