自然珍藏 – LINDBERG 匠心之作
preserved by nature – designed by LINDBERG
It is no secret that LINDBERG is curious when it comes to innovation.
We like to dig deep into the materials we use, and push them to the limit through design ingenuity and technical development. As part of our everlasting quest for innovation, we bring you an eyewear design – thousands of years in the making.
LINDBERG 對於創新的熱忱已眾所周知。我們懷抱對材料的敬畏,深入探索其精髓,並藉由設計的靈感與技術的升華,將材質的潛力發揮至極致。此次,我們以永恆的創新追求,我們傾注無盡創意,帶來一款經歷千年沉靜孕育的夢幻之作。
With the 6000+ year old oak special edition, we explore the possibilities of bringing nature’s own history into our contemporary eyewear design. Every piece of the limited series is handcrafted from a unique oak log found in 1950 on the Danish island Møn. The age of the bog-wood has been determined by the National Museum of Denmark to be over 6000 years old.
Found on the southern island group of Denmark, the bog oak log has been on a long journey to become a LINDBERG design. The log has most likely fallen into the bog sometime in between 4500 BC and 7800 BC, in what would later be known as Lille Damme.
這塊沼澤橡木的故事宛如詩篇,從丹麥南部群島的深邃土地展開,跨越數千年的時光,最終抵達 LINDBERG 的工坊。據推測,這棵橡木在公元前4500年至公元前7800年間悄然沉入沼澤,於後來被命名為 Lille Damme 的地方靜靜沉睡。
In 1950 it was recovered by a farmer tending to his land, after which the wood was put through the necessary drying process until the year 1973. It has since been examined by the National Museum of Denmark and after extensive c-14 dating test, the wood finally found its way to our technical department for processing.
1950年,它被一位在田地耕作的農夫所發現。隨後,它歷經數十年的乾燥與保存,直至1973年準備就緒。丹麥國家博物館對其進行了嚴謹的 C-14 碳年代測定,最終,這塊沼澤橡木經由 LINDBERG 技術團隊的精雕細琢,化作一場自然與設計的邂逅、當代設計的精粹。
千年時光沉澱的木之美 what time gives to bog oak
The preserving properties of the bog has aged the fine wood in a unique way, giving it the dark colour that takes millennia to develop. The bog oak designs features our award-winning mix of fine wood with buffalo horn and titanium giving the series the perfect blend of expression, exclusivity and comfort.
Each piece undergoes a multitude of hand-made processes in the LINDBERG workshop before being carefully crafted into the unique mix of wood and titanium.
每一副眼鏡均經由 LINDBERG 工作坊中無數匠人的巧手打造,將木材與鈦金屬融合成一曲關於自然與未來的交響樂。
The special edition glasses all feature titanium temples. Like oak wood, titanium is a natural material with numerous benefits, such as being hypoallergenic, ultra-lightweight and extremely flexible.
限量珍品special edition
The rarity of the material and uniqueness of the design makes the age-defying limited series one of our most exclusive to date.